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Medical Collection

Martin Häusler

Martin Häusler, PD Dr. sc. nat., Dr. med.

  • Head Evolutionary Morphology Group
  • Scientific Head Human Remains Collection
+41 44 635 05 30 (Room Y11 G66)


I studied anthropology and medicine at the University of Zürich with a PhD thesis on the evolution of bipedalism in Australopithecus africanus  and a MD thesis on pathologies of the spine during human evolution. After a post-doctoral position at the Anthropological Department of the University of California, Davis, I lectured at the Anthropological Institute, University of Zürich, and was senior researcher at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Zürich. It followed a training in orthopaedics, surgery, general and internal medicine. Since 2013 I lead the Evolutionary Morphology and Adaptation Group at the Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, University of Zürich, and I lecture at the Institute of Anatomy, University of Zürich.

Main research interest and goal

  • Evolution of musculoskeletal disorders of the human vertebral column and limb skeleton as possible trade-offs of bipedal locomotion
  • Low back pain
  • Evolution of childbirth
  • Hominid body proportions
  • Palaeopathology