Sabina Carraro, BA Conservator-Restorer, CAS Applied History UZH Head of Medical and Human Remains Collections Group Leader Tel. +41 44 635 05 62 E-Mail Mehr zu Sabina Carraro
Sabina Carraro, BA Conservator-Restorer, CAS Applied History UZH Head of Medical and Human Remains Collections Group Leader Tel. +41 44 635 05 62 E-Mail Mehr zu Sabina Carraro
Sophie Ledebur, PhD Historian Deputy Head of Medical Collection Tel. +41 44 635 05 62 E-Mail Mehr zu Sophie Ledebur, PhD Historian
Martin Häusler, PD Dr. sc. nat., Dr. med. Head Evolutionary Morphology Group Scientific Head Human Remains Collection Tel. +41 44 635 05 30 (Room Y11 G66) E-Mail Mehr zu Martin Häusler
Théophile Vergnaud, MA Conservator-Restorer Medical Collection Tel. +41 44 635 05 62 E-Mail Mehr zu Théophile Vergnaud, MA Conservator-Restorer
Johanna Stierlin, MA Conservator-Restorer Medical Collection Tel. +41 44 635 05 62 E-Mail Mehr zu Johanna Stierlin, MA Conservator-Restorer
Theresa Bayer, PhD Historian Medical Collection Tel. +41 44 635 05 62 E-Mail Mehr zu Theresa Bayer, PhD Historian
Michael Geiges, Dr. med. Senior physician Curator Museum of Wax Moulages Tel. +41 44 255 56 85 E-Mail Mehr zu Michael Geiges
Sabina Carraro, BA Conservator-Restorer, CAS Applied History UZH Head of Medical and Human Remains Collections Group Leader Tel. +41 44 635 05 62 E-Mail Mehr zu Sabina Carraro
Frank Rühli, Prof. Dr. Dr. med., EMBA Director of the Institute Co-Head Evolutionary Pathophysiology and Mummy Studies Group Tel. +41 44 635 05 15 (Room Y42 G70) E-Mail Mehr zu Frank Rühli
Adrian Jäggi, Prof. Dr. Vice Director of the Institute Head Human Ecology Group Tel. +41 44 635 05 40 (Room Y42 G82) E-Mail Mehr zu Adrian Jäggi
Peter Layer, Master Student Thesis title: Die Geschichte und technologische Entwicklung von Amputationsinstrumenten im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert Advisor: Thomas Böni Mehr zu Peter Layer, Master Student
Gina Gut, Master Student (Dent Med) Thesis title: Medizinhistorische Augeninstrumente im Wandel der Zeit Advisor: Thomas Böni Supervisor: Frank Rühli Mehr zu Gina Gut, Master Student (Dent Med)
Simone Abitabile, Master Student Thesis Title: Zur Geschichte der Lithotomie- und Lithotripsieinstrumente Advisor: Thomas Böni Supervisor: Frank Rühli Mehr zu Simone Abitabile, Master Student